Games: MS-DOS: Stone Bringer

Stone Bringer is a massive role playing game I developed in the 90s, written for MS-DOS in Turbo Pascal and Assembly. The graphics for the game was created in Master GFX 16 and the maps were designed in the Map Editor which I also wrote. Game designer Mark Gironimi drew most of the graphics and maps. Mark and I came up with the storyline and general concept of Stone Bringer.
The game featured background music, sound effects and joystick support. Steve Ross wrote most of the music using .MOD files.
I was able to give the game a 3D feel by making characters appear behind objects or walk up hills. While most games at the time were written for VGA's 320x200 mode, Stone Bringer pushed the limits of a 486 CPU by using a much higher resolution of 640x480. By playing with video memory addresses I was able to maintain smooth scrolling performance at a higher resolution.
My Role: Developer, concept, level design and some art | Languages Used: Turbo Pascal, assembly

Opening a treasure chest inside a cave, but there is nothing inside. Characters appear larger in towns and dungeons than on the main map.

Characters walking from one room to another. Notice how they appear below the wall to help create a 3D effect. The room they are coming from is hidden by using the roof codes entered in the Map Editor. This way the room you are currently in remains visible while everything outside the current room is hidden until you walk outside.

Every characters' status can be seen by pressing the menu button (CTRL or ALT on the keyboard).You'll need lots of HP to survive in these dark caves.

You should talk to all the people you run into – they can offer you valuable advice.