Mobile: Polkaroo Planets (iOS / Android)

Mobile Polkaroo Planets

Polkaroo Planets is an app which I developed for TVO, targeting young children aged 2 to 5. The goal of game is to follow a a randomly generated dotted path from one planet to another. While playing the game children learn about our solar system and listen to poems about each planet.

Polkaroo Planets is available for iOS, Android and the web.

My Role: Developer


Polkaroo Planets landing page.

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Polkaroo Planets landing page.

Animation of polkaroo planets looking at the planets with a telescope.

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Animation of polkaroo planets looking at the planets with a telescope.

Randomly generated path between Mars and Saturn.

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Randomly generated path between Mars and Saturn.

User in the middle of following the path - the dots turn blue to mark their progress.

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User in the middle of following the path - the dots turn blue to mark their progress.

Polkaroo flying along the path after the user reaches Saturn.

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Polkaroo flying along the path after the user reaches Saturn.

After clicking on Saturn, the 6th planet from the sun, polkaroo flies in a circle while a poem about Saturn is played.

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After clicking on Saturn, the 6th planet from the sun, polkaroo flies in a circle while a poem about Saturn is played.

Polkaroo Planets for iOS, Android and WebPolkaroo Planets for iOS, Android and WebPolkaroo Planets for iOS, Android and WebPolkaroo Planets for iOS, Android and WebPolkaroo Planets for iOS, Android and WebPolkaroo Planets for iOS, Android and Web