Mobile: Play With Nico

Play With Nico is a mobile app targeting young children, encouraging them to dance and exercise.
The game features dozens of animations that are triggered by touching the main character, Nico. For example touching Nico's nose makes him sneeze, touching his belly makes him laugh or touching his leg makes him stomp.
Pressing the "action" button makes Nico perform a dance, with the voice over asking the user to copy the action. Voices are narrated by Miss Frost, played by actress Rachel Franco. Nico's voices are played by Rafael Franco.
Other interactions include tilting and shaking the device, as well as pinching and zooming. The user can also cycle through different backgrounds and sound tracks. Animations were imported in vector format to preserve image quality and keep the app size small.
Play With Nico was built as a univeral app for tablets and phones, available on iOS.
My Role: Developer