Games: Transformers Dino-Force

This is a series of 3 games I was assigned to build for a Kreo Transformers campaign.
Special care was taken to ensure compatibility with all major browsers on both mobile and desktop devices. Performance for the games were optimized so that even old tablets (e.g. the iPad 1) could play each game smoothly.
My Role: Developer | Languages Used: Javascript

The first game was a classic scrolling racing game. AI and car physics was required for the opponents, who could shoot you or crash into your truck, Optimus Prime. Your vehicle could also shoot opponents, or slash opponents with the dinosaur's tail (being carried in the back).

In the second game, the objective was to rescue the Kreon with your claw and fly back home. The game featured parallax scrolling, and AI of enemies hiding and shooting at your ship.

Heading back home with the rescued Kreon. There were a variety of enemies including some that could run and jump from building to building.

The third game was 1st person shooter type of game, with enemies hiding behind obstacles and then popping up to fire at you.