Games: Fearless Fred: Fred, Ink.

When I was assigned to build a game for Teletoon's Fred at Night, the requirement was to throw stuff at Fred while he was spinning around. We decided to go with Fred, Ink., a game where you try to tattoo Fred while he is spinning on a wheel.
The most fun part of making this game was working with Fred (also known as Fearless Fred on 102.1 The Edge) to create sound bites and facial expressions to taunt the player with punch lines and sarcastic facial expressions during gameplay. Using these assets, I fully developed and designed Fred, Ink., which features an infinite amount of randomly generated levels.
My Role: Concept, developer and designer |

The game works by requiring you to tattoo specific body parts of Fred. Level 1 is easy, you just have to tattoo his belly.

Fred looks happy after getting tattooed on the chest, saying "You really shot that load, didn't you?"

Fred reacts by saying "Do you plan on having a career in suck?" while look at where you missed.

"My sister can do better and she's a fetus!" says Fred as you tattoo the wrong body part. That's pretty harsh.

Later levels are made more difficult by obstructions floating around and Fred moving his body parts as you try to aim.

When you lose the game, you get a final tally of how many times you tattooed Fred (including each body part). You can brag about your accomplishments with your Facebook friends.