Games: Detentionaire: Break Out

Detentionaire Break Out

Inspired by the largely successful game Bingopocalypse, Break Out is a puzzle game I was assigned to build for Teletoon while working at Corus. Unlike Lemmings, the game was changed so that there is only one character (as opposed to having many characters in other Lemmings-style games). I was also given artwork made for a scrolling game, dramatically changing the gameplay from previous games.

As with Bingopocalypse, the most challenging part of building this game was level design, which involved making sure the levels weren't too easy or repetitive. Many of the levels featured more than one solution. It's always fun watching different people play to see which solution they come up with to pass each level. The game featured isometric projection, the ability to fast forward game play at any point, and full screen view.

Some interesting statistics about this game:

  • 40: # of Levels in Break Out
  • 28: # of different interactive objects in this game
  • 9: # of different characters in the game, including enemies
  • 49: # of background images that could be tiled or tinted independently in each level
The game can be played live on Teletoon. Walkthoughs of the levels can be found on youtube.

My Role: Developer and level design   |  

Video: Walkthrough of Level 27


Level selection page. A preview of each level is displayed when user mouses over each square. Highest score (your grade) is also displayed for each level.

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Level selection page. A preview of each level is displayed when user mouses over each square. Highest score (your grade) is also displayed for each level.

Learning how to use stairs in the first level.

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Learning how to use stairs in the first level.

Learning to use a plank.

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Learning to use a plank.

Learning to use a drill.

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Learning to use a drill.

Learning to use ladders.

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Learning to use ladders.

Learning to use a skateboard.

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Learning to use a skateboard.

Learning to go in and out of doors.

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Learning to go in and out of doors.

Learning to swing on a rope.

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Learning to swing on a rope.

Learning to cut through a rope.

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Learning to cut through a rope.

Learning to use Biffy, one of three friends you can use in Break Out.

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Learning to use Biffy, one of three friends you can use in Break Out.

Biffy helps you out by punching enemies away.

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Biffy helps you out by punching enemies away.

Learning to use Camillio. Camillio is helpful because he isn't affected by anyone, since he's too busy listening to music.

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Learning to use Camillio. Camillio is helpful because he isn't affected by anyone, since he's too busy listening to music.

Learning to use Holger. Holger helps by getting all enemies to follow the delicious scent of the burger he carries.

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Learning to use Holger. Holger helps by getting all enemies to follow the delicious scent of the burger he carries.

Using a skateboard on a ramp leaned against a crate will make Lee propel even farther.

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Using a skateboard on a ramp leaned against a crate will make Lee propel even farther.

Using a key to open a locked door.

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Using a key to open a locked door.

Using dynamite to get obstacles out of the way.

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Using dynamite to get obstacles out of the way.

Using a magnet to attract metal objects.

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Using a magnet to attract metal objects.

Detentionaire Break OutDetentionaire Break OutDetentionaire Break OutDetentionaire Break OutDetentionaire Break OutDetentionaire Break OutDetentionaire Break OutDetentionaire Break OutDetentionaire Break OutDetentionaire Break OutDetentionaire Break OutDetentionaire Break OutDetentionaire Break OutDetentionaire Break OutDetentionaire Break OutDetentionaire Break OutDetentionaire Break Out