Vacation Days/Days Off

This is where you enter vacations or any days of for an employee. For example if an employee is usually available Monday to Friday but will be away for a week, you can enter those days here.

To indicate which days are vacation days simply enter the date numbers (i.e. enter "4, 5" for July 4th and the 5th). You can also enter a series of consecutive days by using the dash character (i.e. type "1-14" to say someone will be away from December 1st to the 14th).

Later if you try to schedule an employee to work on a vacation day, Manager's Advantage will highlight that employee as unavailable in the schedule.

How does Manager's Advantage know which month the vacation days are being taken if you only entered the number? The answer is that since every schedule can be a maximum of four weeks long, there can only be one date that each number refers to.

Note: The Auto Scheduler will never schedule an employee to work on their vacation, personal or lieu days.