
Available staff can be seen by clicking at the top of the day.
Above: Available staff can be seen by clicking at the top of the day.
Below: Hours worked and options can be seen by clicking on a name.
Hours worked and options can be seen by clicking on a name.
Clicking at the top of the day on the schedule will give you a list of staff who are available to work that day. If you click on the day name (e.g. Sunday, Monday, ...) you will see a list of staff who are normally available to work that day of the week. If you click on the day number (e.g. 15, 16, ...) you will see a list of staff who are available to work on that particular date. This list will not include staff who have already been scheduled to work on that day, nor will it include staff who are on vacation.

Beside each name in the list of staff you will see three numbers with a letter beside each number. The number beside the letter "W" represents how many hours an employee is scheduled for in the current week. The number beside the letter "S" represents how many hours the employee is averaging per week through out the entire schedule, and the letter "A" represents how many hours that employee is available to work each week.

You can also see the same hourly figures for a staff member by clicking on their name if they are on the schedule. This also pops out a menu where you can click on Schedule, Availability or Options. Clicking on Schedule opens up the schedule for that staff member, clicking on Availability shows their availability, and clicking on Options opens the Group Editor.